approved the Manifesto of the Vignerons d'Europe
Monday, December 7 at Florence, in the solemn setting of the Salone dei Cinquecento in Palazzo Vecchio, a thousand vignerons from several European countries have approved their constituent paper.
The document is the result of the two-day conference in Montecatini Terme , at Winegrowers & Vignerons where vignorons Europe, following the invitation of Slow Food and the Tuscany Region, gathered together to key members of the world agriculture and culture (including Carlo Petrini ), to address the issues underlying the role of the winemaker. Bringing together the winemakers from
from sixteen European countries (from France to Georgia) and to agree on a common manifesto is a tremendous accomplishment and will have more weight within the EU, in this sense, the spokesman for all tenants will be the European Cevi (European Confederation of Independent Winegrowers ) who was present with the president Xavier de Volontat.
The manifest must be understood as a document of a community of vignerons who considers every bottle of wine, a product of culture, of history, territory, tradition and identity
Burdese Roberto, president of Slow Food Italy , after reading the document , thus concluded: "This poster has an important meaning because many vignerons already put into practice its guidelines. Producers who have come together in these days are in fact creating a movement that fought the approval, and values \u200b\u200bthe diversity, yet manages to find common ground. "
In the afternoon, in Santissima Annunziata, was held Market Vignerons d'Europe, where the wines of participating winemakers to Vignerons d'Europe have been made to taste the many wine enthusiasts flocked to this unique event.
Manifesto "Vignerons d'Europe 2009"
The winemaker personally takes care of the vineyard, the winery and the sale.
The wine of the winemaker is alive, it gives pleasure, is the son of his territory and his thought. Authentic expression of a culture.
the winemaker considers the consumer's co-producer.
The winemaker keeps and shapes the landscape in respect of biodiversity and culture of its territory, that narrative is enriched.
The winemaker as a farmer assumes the responsibility of preserving and improving soil fertility and the balance of ecosystems.
The winemaker is committed to renouncing the use of molecules and synthetic and artificial organisms with the aim of protecting the living.
The winemaker governs the limit in all their commitments by seeking the best, the best ever.
The winemaker is responsible for their activities in the environment, consumer health and destinies of their communities and the earth.
The winemaker is committed to building and sustaining relationships with other tenants, farmers, food producers, cooks, universities and research institutions, educators and citizens in their communities and the world.
The winemaker practice transparency: it says what it does and does what it says.
The Vignerons d'Europe gathered in Florence to ask national and European authorities not to obstruct their work with appropriate industry regulations but not to their particularity.