Saturday, April 12, 2008

Yahoo Indian Stock Symbols

Hello guys!
Happy Saturday night to all.
Tonight I want to tell you that we are renewing a little as the home page POESIABLU why, hear-hear!, The subscribers are increasing, the initiatives also. New things, a lot, you'll see, come!
This beautiful painting of his friend Robert Matarazzo, announces its collaboration with my painting, as when you write words and music, you know? For my writing Roberto painted and there will be a place for this marriage that I find wonderful.
Summer is approaching ... In a short leave with records of POEMS BY THE WAY. Are you going to miss an opportunity so special?
I do not think! Force then.
And again came out with an anthology of prose tales erotic, very special!
more. But I will not spoil the surprises.
A hug, blue, always.
Your Divinafollia